the octoroon quoteslg refrigerator blinking 6 times

Do you know what the niggers round here call that sight? There are no witnesses but a rum bottle and an old machine. She's won this race agin the white, anyhow; it's too late now to start her pedigree. M'Closky. It's a shame to allow that young cub to run over the Swamps and woods, hunting and fishing his life away instead of hoeing cane. Pete. The earth has been stirred here lately. [Inside room.] Sunny. O, you horrible man! I shall endeavor not to be jealous of the past; perhaps I have no right to be. Put your hands on your naked breasts, and let every man as don't feel a real American heart there, bustin' up with freedom, truth, and right, let that man step out---that's the oath I put to ye---and then say, Darn ye, go it! What, on Terrebonne? Ratts. Now fix yourself. O, let all go, but save them! Zoe. [Aside,C.] Insolent as usual.---[Aloud.] I must see you no more. Dora. Share with your friends. Scudder insists that they hold a trial, and the men search for evidence. O, laws-a-mussey, see dis; here's a pictur' I found stickin' in that yar telescope machine, sar! you bomn'ble fry---git out---a gen'leman can't pass for you. if I stop here, I shall hug her right off. *EnterPete, Grace, Minnie, Solon, Dido,and all*Niggers,R.U.E. Pete. Ha, ha!---[Calls.] Pete. Ya! [M'Closky*lowers his hand. (p. 221) Daniel J. Siegel. Burn, burn! you remind me so much of your uncle, the judge. Ratts. We must excuse Scudder, friends. He and his apparatus arrived here, took the judge's likeness and his fancy, who made him overseer right off. You don't expect to recover any of this old debt, do you? What's de charge, Mas'r Scudder? And because we had a tennis court in our backyard, I played every day. Well, that's all right; but as he can't marry her, and as Miss Dora would jump at him---. George. Hello! Buy me, Mas'r Ratts, do buy me, sar? Point. When he speaks to one he does it so easy, so gentle; it isn't bar-room style; love lined with drinks, sighs tinged with tobacco---and they say all the women in Paris were in love with him, which I feelIshall be; stop fanning me; what nice boots he wears. She is one-eighth black, the daughter of a "quadroon" slave woman, and is very. Poor Injiun lub our little Paul. He stood gazing in wonder at her work-basket as if it was something extraordinary. This is your own house; we are under your uncle's roof; recollect yourself. *Re-enter*Lafouche,R.,with smashed apparatus. Scud. Squire Sunnyside, you've got a pretty bit o' land, Squire. Scud. I could not do it. Zoe. Pete. no violence---the critter don't know what we mean. Dora, oblivious to George's lack of affection for her, enlists Zoe's help to win him over. Pete. You made her life too happy, and now these tears will be. laws a massey! Pete. Where is Mr. Scudder? Well, that has come out clear, ain't it? M'Closky. Captain, you've loaded up here until the boat is sunk so deep in the mud she won't float. They don't seem to be scared by the threat. Come, Paul, are you ready? I felt it---and how she can love! Top, you varmin! Adam had a job, a place to live, and food that he could provide for his woman. Would you now? Ivan Glasenberg, Very few things hurt my young ego more than an Asian female openly shaming me for my Asian-ness. Zoe is your child by a quadroon slave, and you didn't free her; blood! I bring you news; your banker, old Lafouche, of New Orleans, is dead; the executors are winding up his affairs, and have foreclosed on all overdue mortgages, so Terrebonne is for sale. D'ye hear it---nearer---nearer---ah! O, Mr. Scudder! O, here, do you know what annuity the old judge left you is worth to-day? Ratts. I've got four plates ready, in case we miss the first shot. Why you out in de swamp dis time ob night---you catch de fever sure---you is all wet. Well, he lived in New York by sittin' with his heels up in front of French's Hotel, and inventin'---. In comparison, a quadroon would have one quarter African ancestry and a mulatto for the most part has historically implied half African ancestry. Yes, sir; they were the free papers of the girl Zoe; but they were in my husband's secretary. stan' round thar! M'Closky. [To the men.] Point. Yes, for I'd rather be black than ungrateful! Can you take any more? Thib. [Aside to Zoe.] Tullian Tchividjian. Some of you niggers run and hole de hosses; and take dis, Dido. Scud. Lynch him! All night, as I fled through the cane-brake, I heard footsteps behind me. We tender food to a stranger, not because he is a gentleman, but because he is hungry. You called it yourself; you wanted to make us murder that Injiun; and since we've got our hands in for justice, we'll try it on you. Hush! and my master---O! The first mortgagee bids forty thousand dollars. It is certain, madam; the judge was negligent, and doubtless forgot this small formality. The Oxford English Dictionary cites The Octoroon with the earliest record of the word "mashup" with the quote: "He don't understand; he speaks a mash up of Indian, French, and Mexican." Mrs. P.O, sir, I don't value the place for its price, but for the many happy days I've spent here; that landscape, flat and uninteresting though it may be, is full of charm for me; those poor people, born around me, growing up about my heart, have bounded my view of life; and now to lose that homely scene, lose their black, ungainly faces; O, sir, perhaps you should be as old as I am, to feel as I do, when my past life is torn away from me. Yes---when I saw him and Miss Zoe galloping through the green sugar crop, and doing ten dollars' worth of damage at every stride, says I, how like his old uncle he do make the dirt fly. Stop! Yes, I'm here, somewhere, interferin'. Why not! Point. who has been teasing you? I see my little Nimrod yonder, with his Indian companion. O, aunt! Is not Dora worth any man's---. M'Closky hates Scudder in return, especially because they both love Zoe, Mr. Peyton's "octoroon" daughter, Zoe. I daren't move fear to spile myself. Scud. She said, "It's free with purchase." I think we may begin business. I will; for it is agin my natur' to b'lieve him guilty; and if he be, this ain't the place, nor you the authority to try him. he's allers in for it. Ah, George, our race has at least one virtue---it knows how to suffer! Go on, Colonel---Colonel Pointdexter, ma'am---the mortgagee, auctioneer, and general agent. Look here, you're free, you know nary a master to hurt you now: you will stop here as long as you're a mind to, only don't look so. All hands aboard there---cut the starn ropes---give her headway! I thought I heard the sound of a paddle in the water. Pete. The eye of the Eternal was on you---the blessed sun in heaven, that, looking down, struck upon this plate the image of the deed. what will become of her when I am gone? I have it. [Kicks pail from underPete,*and lets him down.*]. [*Exit*Dora,L.U.E.] What on earth does that child mean or want? You love George; you love him dearly; I know it: and you deserve to be loved by him. You'll take care, I guess, it don't go too cheap. Pete. Look there, jurymen. Paul. Sign up today to unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. how can you say so? For the first time, twenty-five thousand---last time! So it is. Is this a dream---for my brain reels with the blow? The world, Zoe, the free struggle of minds and hands, if before me; the education bestowed on me by my dear uncle is a noble heritage which no sheriff can seize; with that I can build up a fortune, spread a roof over the heads I love, and place before them the food I have earned; I will work---. | Sitemap |. I only come back to find Wahnotee; whar is dat ign'ant Ingiun? I saw the mail-bags lying in the shed this morning. Dam dat Injiun! The White Slave; or, the Octoroon (1913) - Quotes - IMDb Edit The White Slave; or, the Octoroon (1913) Quotes It looks like we don't have any Quotes for this title yet. And I remained here to induce you to offer that heart to Dora! Don't be afraid; it ain't going for that, Judge. where am I? Dora. Hi! [Tableaux.]. If you would pardon the abruptness of the question, I would ask you, Do you think the sincere devotion of my life to make yours happy would succeed? Sunny. Paul. Zoe. So! It's surely worth the love that dictated it; here are the papers and accounts. Hole yer tongue, Dido. I'm going to straighten this account clear out. Then I will go to the Acme or Keating's or the Big Gold Bar and sit down and draw my cards and fill an inside straight and win myself a thousand dollars. George. Pete. Say, Mas'r Scudder, take me in dat telescope? Paul. "Ma'am," says I, "the apparatus can't mistake." No, sar; but dem vagabonds neber take de 'specable straight road, dey goes by de swamp. 'Cos I's skeered to try! Dido. [Knocks.] Providence has chosen your executioner. Scud. Were they all born on this estate? No, sar; nigger nebber cut stick on Terrebonne; dat boy's dead, sure. hark! But how pale she looks, and she trembles so. faded---is it not? Scud. No---no. Traduced! A draft for eighty-five thousand dollars, and credit on Palisse and Co., of New Orleans, for the balance. M'Closky. Zoe. I don't care, they were blue this morning, but it don't signify now. Why, Minnie, why don't you run when you hear, you lazy crittur? [Pours out.] George says he can "overcome the obstacle" (43), but Zoe protests that they cannot be together. I suppose I shall go before long, and I wished to visit all the places, once again, to see the poor people. You'se a dead man, Mas'r Clusky---you got to b'lieve dat. Five hundred dollars!---[*To*Thibodeaux.] Scud. Ah! You begged me to call this morning. [To Jackson.] I say---he smoke and smoke, but nebber look out ob de fire; well knowing dem critters, I wait a long time---den he say, "Wahnotee, great chief;" den I say nothing---smoke anoder time---last, rising to go, he turn round at door, and say berry low---O, like a woman's voice, he say, "Omenee Pangeuk,"---dat is, Paul is dead---nebber see him since. Mrs. P.George, I can't spare Paul for an hour or two; he must run over to the landing; the steamer from New Orleans passed up the river last night, and if there's a mail they have thrown it ashore. M'Closky. Scud. Wood up thar, you Polio---hang on to the safety valve---guess she'll crawl off on her paddles. Peyton.]. [Pete holds lantern up.] Dora, I once made you weep; those were the only tears I caused any body. Dido. I hope I'm not intruding. Look at 'em, Jacob, for they are honest water from the well of truth. Dido. The Octoroon's Sacrifice (1912) Quotes It looks like we don't have any Quotes for this title yet. "When she goes along, she just leaves a streak of love behind her. Is your heart free? I thank Heaven you have not lived to see this day. [Aside.] [Sits down.] Mrs. P.[L. C.] My nephew is not acquainted with our customs in Louisiana, but he will soon understand. What's dat? I tell ye, 't'ain't so---we can't do it---we've got to be sold---, Pete. The murder is captured on Scudder's photographic apparatus. I will dine on oysters and palomitas and wash them down with white wine. Paul. [L.] Let the old darkey alone---eight hundred for that boy. You blow, Mas'r Scudder, when I tole you; dere's a man from Noo Aleens just arriv' at de house, and he's stuck up two papers on de gates; "For sale---dis yer property," and a heap of oder tings---and he seen missus, and arter he shown some papers she burst out crying---I yelled; den de corious of little niggers dey set up, den de hull plantation children---de live stock reared up and created a purpiration of lamentation as did de ole heart good to har. M'Closky. [Weeping.] Farewell, Dora. Dis way, gen'l'men; now Solon---Grace---dey's hot and tirsty---sangaree, brandy, rum. Come, the hour is past. George. Dora. Cora, educated in Britain, returns to her fathers plantation in Louisiana to explore the truth about her mother's. The injiun! I will! George. George R R Martin. Copyright 2023 Famous Quotes & Sayings. One thousand bid. So I came here to you; to you, my own dear nurse; to you, who so often hushed me to sleep when I was a child; who dried my eyes and put your little Zoe to rest. If young George Peyton was to make you the same offer, you'd jump at it, pretty darned quick, I guess. Debbel's in de pail! if I had you one by one, alone in the swamp, I'd rip ye all. No---no. Zoe, what have I said to wound you? George. Mr. M'Closky has bid twenty-five thousand dollars for the Octoroon. See here, you imps; if I catch you, and your red skin yonder, gunning in my swamps, I'll give you rats, mind; them vagabonds, when the game's about, shoot my pigs. Come, form a court then, choose a jury---we'll fix this varmin. [Exit, with a low, wailing, suffocating cry,L.U.E. *EnterM'Closky, Lafouche, Jackson, Sunnyslde,and*Pointdexter,R.U.E. Point. Grace. Last night I overheard you weeping in your room, and you said, "I'd rather see her dead than so! Back at Terrebonne, Zoe returns but with a sad heart, as she knows that she and George can never be together. 3, Pete, a house servant. Yours, &c, James Brown." Take your hand down---take it down. There's no chance of it. I shall do so if you weep. Pete, as you came here, did you pass Paul and the Indian with the letter-bags? In some form, human, or wild beast, or ghost, it has tracked me through the night. Pete. [*Goes*L.] Paul reste el! Scud. he is here. Zoe. Why, judge, wasn't you lawyer enough to know that while a judgment stood against you it was a lien on your slaves? Paul! Thar's Miss Dora---that girl's in love with you; yes, sir, her eyes are startin' out of her head with it; now her fortune would redeem a good part of this estate. *EnterPete, Pointdexter, Jackson, Lafouche,and*Caillou,R.U.E. Pete. Yes, missus. We have known each other but a few days, but to me those days have been worth all the rest of my life. Come, then, but if I catch you drinkin', O, laws a mussey, you'll get snakes! In a word, I have seen and admired you! Zoe. Solon. The Octoroons have no apparent trace of the Negro in their appearance but still are subject to the legal disabilities which attach them to the condition of blacks. Remember, your attitude toward a situation can help you to change it you create the very atmosphere for defeat or victory. A photographic plate. Is that you, Mr. Overseer? Boucicault The Octoroon Quotes & Sayings. O, my husband! Hold on a bit, I get you de bottle. George goes to Dora and begins to propose to her; while he is doing so, however, he has a change of heart and decides not to lie to her. No; not you---George. I'm waiting on your fifty thousand bid. "No. Those little flowers can live, but I cannot. M'Closky. That is the ineffaceable curse of Cain. Jackson. You don't see Zoe, Mr. Sunnyside. This is folly, Dora. Zoe. It's not a painful death, aunty, is it? Mr. George, I am afraid, if all we hear is true, you have led a dreadful life in Europe. the bags are mine---now for it!---[Opens mail-bags.] George. No, the love I speak of is not such as you suppose,---it is a passion that has grown up here since I arrived; but it is a hopeless, mad, wild feeling, that must perish. Salem Scudder, a kind Yankee, was Judge Peyton's business partner; though he wishes he could save Terrebonne, he has no money. Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Don't say that, ma'am; don't say that to a man that loves another gal. No, no! Zoe. You're a man as well as an auctioneer, ain't ye? Scud. Dora. Scud. I do, but I can't do it. Herein the true melodramatic hijinks that first defined "The Octoroon" ensue: a young, nouveau plantation owner George (Gardner in whiteface) is trying to save the remnants of his family's. M'Closky. Dido. Scud. Now's your time.---[Aloud.] If we can't behave like Christians, let's try and act like gentlemen. The term sensation drama caught on when Boucicault's The Colleen Bawn, adapted from Gerald Grifn's novel The Collegians, became a hit in 1860. Says he'll go if I'll go with him. *, M'Olosky. O, why did he speak to me at all then? war's de crowd gone? O! [Aside.] O, here he is. Hold on yere, George Peyton; you sit down there. Hi! No! New York, NY, Accessibility Statement Terms Privacy |StageAgent 2020. side.---A table and chairs,R.C. Gracediscovered sitting at breakfast-table with Children. Mrs. P.Wahnotee, will you go back to your people? E.---Wahnoteefaces him.---Fight---buss. Scud. Ten years ago the judge took as overseer a bit of Connecticut hardware called M'Closky. Lynch him! Will she gladly see you wedded to the child of her husband's slave? No, it ain't; because, just then, what does the judge do, but hire another overseer---a Yankee---a Yankee named Salem Scudder. Zoe. Paul and Wahnotee arrive back with the mailbags and play around with the camera. The Octoroon (1913) - Quotes - IMDb Menu Edit The Octoroon (1913) Quotes It looks like we don't have any Quotes for this title yet. Born here---dem darkies? Yes---me and Co.---we done it; but, as you were senior partner in the concern, I reckon you got the big lick. D'ye hear that, Jacob? For a year or two all went fine. Haven't you worked like a horse? [During the dialogueWahnoteehas takenGeorge'sgun. Wahnotee. she will har you. That part of it all is performance for the media. Jacob M'Closky, you shan't have that girl. George. [Raises hand to back of his neck.] She didn't mind how kind old judge was to her; and Solon, too, he'll holler, and break de ole lady's heart. Tirsty -- -sangaree, brandy, rum child by a quadroon slave, and is very -you to... Sad heart, as she knows that she and George can never be.. Along, she just leaves a streak of love behind her shaming me for Asian-ness... Attitude toward a situation can help you to offer that heart to dora female openly me. 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